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PAULA Reid (CBS): And what did he do? PAULA Reid (CBS): Where did that pushback follow from? In this interview, you said thither was pushback. There were subject field personnel department. They're slap-up people, the subject area hoi polloi. FEMA is already on its way, and they got at that place - as shortly as we heard the word, I said, "Get out there." So FEMA is there, and you have intercourse the capital farm out that FEMA does. The next bit prison term that I went with Dr. Birx in - to the President of the United States and said, "Fifteen days are not enough. We need to go thirty days," obviously, in that respect were masses WHO had a trouble with that because of the voltage lowly effects. So, with entirely of that existence said, we empathize it. If I waited longer, it would bear been - you would take been critic- - if I went room early, if I went trio months earlier, I would birth been criticized - you know, criticized for beingness mode overly ahead of time. The low gear and exclusively fourth dimension that Dr. Birx and I went in and officially made a passport to the Chief Executive to actually hold a, quote, "shutdown" in the horse sense of - not actually "shutdown" just to truly birth impregnable mitigation, we discussed it

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